Aug 25, 2014

The Introduction to Alien Races Book, Part 2

Recommend reading revised version of Part 1, comparing key races from the book and the civilian forum. For image reference, open the pdf of this book to view in tandem as you read this review.

After reading through this book, there are a couple conclusions one can derive about humanity and how we fit in the grand scheme of things. We are clearly technologically outmatched and inferior, for one. Multiple races perform abductions, suggesting we are easily manipulated, or spiritually dumb. Proof of our lack of advancement and retardation as a species compared to those who visit Earth, most of the species' average lifespan per individual is over hundred years. Our collective species loses the wisdom of age more quickly than others. We are a young species. Those listed in this book are coming from second and third planetary homes.

I point out this reality to encourage you reader to not settle for a reaction within yourself that rests at any extremity of fear, surrender, or trust. We cannot match their experience or knowledge, perhaps. But we must understand that our perspective is as valid as theirs in the grander scheme of life. Be open to learn who they are and how they live and what they say, but maintain a space for your own voice and humanity.

Statistical Breakdown of Key Comparative Elements

Abductor Races

Killy-Tokurt; Moovianthan-Kayphik; Hav-Hannuae-Kondras; Maitre; Dries (for reproduction, mostly eat animal derived protein); Lang (abductor status disputed by other races); X5-Tykut (slave race); Alcohbata; Negumak/Gnomopo; X-1Z (perform medical experiments on subjects)   TOTAL: 10

Allies with Maitre

Kyllimir-Auk; Mazarek; Jighantik; X5-Tykut (slave race)   TOTAL: 4

Violent and/or Predatory Races 
(as identified in the book, though many of the abductor races above may also fit this category, and vice-versa)

Mazarek; Jighantik; Dorsay - Eat humans and other alien races, 4 billion years old and in a constant state of war with other races; Maitre; Tanzany - Create cataclysms to study human reaction to tragedy; Reptilians - most known and feared of 3 reptoid species, cunning infiltration of leadership; Alcohbata; Negumak/Gnomopo - Most governments fear this one with respect to humanity's future; Karaveldi (extremely dangerous, 4 arms)   TOTAL: 9

Shape Shifters

Killy-Tokurt; Indugutk; Reptilians; X-1Z (as many as 4 times in 10 seconds)   TOTAL: 4

Mythos and History Influential Races
-Given the length of time many races have visited Earth, this list may be incomplete in identifying all the races that have influenced our known history, legends, and development

Ramay (Mayan); Rak (Jinn, genies, Islamic and Arabian); Ainanna (Martians, bases on); Kurs (Mesopotamia); Hav-Hannuae-Kondras (Vampires, Romania); Lang (Fairies, mean); Graysli (Djoser Pyramid built in their honor); Anunakene (Annunaki, Giants); Solipsi Rai (Greys, one of them, modern myth); Puxhity (Central and South American cultures); Zeta Reticulai (Egyptian Pharaohs as hybrids); Ellina (Elves, Germanic cultures, tricksters, thieves)   TOTAL: 12

Peaceful Races

Ramay - Tried to co-exist with humans, by assembling a unified civilization of peoples around the world into what became the Mayans, taught them astronomy and 'time'. Return for visits often.

El Manouk - Co-created "Council of Five" that protects humans from

Jefok - known as peace-makers by other races, tried to prevent use of nuclear weapons in JFK era
(is their race a coined name from their involvement with JFK? JeFoK?)

Magell - Shy, nocturnal, harvest insects and rodents

Solipsi Rai - Were once like us developmentally, now dedicated to helping other planets

Airk - Shy and nocturnal, use Earth as a supply stop, do not interact with humans or other aliens

Vinnytvary - Vegetarian, respected, believed to have mystical powers; do not interact with humans but do visit, can live 2000 years

Puritav-Illumu/Nosyv-7 - Interested in Earth's oceans, nocturnal

Elffaf - "known to be benevolent", though purpose of visits is unknown

Council of Five - Little its known about these individual races represented, the Council as a whole, however, has been monitoring our planet since primordial life first arose. They took a more involved role in protecting and guiding when simple primates were modified into an intelligent species by the Anunakene. We became capable of greater spiritual development and enlightenment worth protecting against races that would exploit us. Used to be the Council of Nine.
Emerther - Related to Solipsi Rai, but much older and more advanced


Trends in Races identified as Peaceful:

First off, for what it's worth, there were more races listed as peaceful than those listed as violent, aggressive, parasitic, or predatory. That should count for something. Moving on now to the similarities we see between these so-called peaceful races...

Peaceful races toward us tend to be shy, that is, public citizens do not see them often, if avoidant and cautious. They also tend to be nocturnal, an odd fact. And, they tend to be vegetarian, or at least exhibit primary interest in our planet's vegetation. What we have considered to be characteristic of peaceful temperament may actually be any number of things:  disinterest, caution, secrecy. We must be careful how we label racial temperaments, because that presumes their agenda as well. Most of these 'peaceful' listed races are mysterious. We know little about them, and our world's agents seem to have had little success in interacting with them. 

However, on the whole, these species have displayed great effort either to us or to other races we've encountered to assist, co-exist, guide, or protect. Some races that were not specifically identified as 'peaceful' should be included on some list for their efforts to try and guide humanity, even if their methods were invasive, such as the Anunakene and Zeta alliance. They had such a profound impact on our history, and have demonstrated a dedication to nurturing their seeds of growth in human evolution and knowledge that we should acknowledge them as having good intent with perhaps selfish origins and design. 

Notice the word 'benevolent' was rarely used as a descriptor term in the book. To be benevolent is to have all around charitable intent, to a sacrificial degree. Alien and hidden terrestrial races have their own people to think about, their own continuing development and survival and quests to fulfill. It is rarely so simple to label a race as either ill-intentioned or good-intentioned. History and relationships are far more complicated than that, especially on a cosmic inter-special scale. With that said, try to see these species as equals. Question them, wonder about all the complicated reasons why humans do what they do and say, and apply that level of behavioral analysis to alien kind. Despite their advanced technology and age and spiritual forte, we must consider them in neutral judgement unless otherwise clearly determined. Some are clearly not friendly, those predatory races in particular who would feed on us without remorse or question. We are prey to them. How do you regard the cow, the pig, the chicken, the fish, the deer which you hunt, butcher, and eat? Even this is not so clear cut to me.

I love cows. I think they are amazingly peaceful, and simple creatures. I love to watch them eat and stroke their snouts. But I will definitely eat a juicy steak and savor its rich flavor. What this relationship does is allow me to appreciate the cow's sacrifice, and to fight for its quality of life before finding its way to my plate. That is not a typical predator/prey relationship as seen in the wild. We are dealing with INTELLIGENT species. How do we reconcile the intelligence it took to develop space-time travel, and still be predatory? The reality of planetary dominance is the species most likely to rise in intelligence enough to practice science is the dominant species. We are going to have to deal with other meat-eaters somehow. 


To be continued in Part 3

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