Update to the forms ocean dwelling beings take in and out of the ocean of nonlocality. I dreamed I'm searching for a quick spot to fish with my father along a country road before the rain comes. There is already some flooding. Another truck zooms by us away from the mountain wilderness and into town to beat the storm. We spot a small, flooded pond that climbed the bank up to the driveway down to it. We fished off the concrete road that disappeared into the relatively little body of water.

I reeled in a bass right away. Over-zealous, I reel in too much slack, catching the bass's mouth uncomfortably at the end of my pole. But it didn't struggle.
Someone else had stopped by the pond as well, a local who said the bass was not what it appeared to be. Confused, I looked back to notice its shape disintegrating into a different form. It became a rusty brown, miniature whale posed in position like it was presenting itself to me. Seemed it wanted me to be it's new adopted parent and praise it, because it put on its cutest 'ta-da' pose. It had a little pink bow on one side of its head, and its skin flexed with strong divots, seen in second picture down. From its profile it looked like it was smiling. Obviously it was a baby. I looked back and heard the local say that it was a manatee and that everything in that lake were manatees.
He nodded, and I was even more confused.
Manatee was one of the four marine mammals that were assigned to me in a dream with an omnipresent voice that first nudged me to study into quantum mechanics. He presented me with a unique video game which made me choose between four elements, fire, earth, and two ices (strangely). I chose an ice, thinking it was a prerequisite to water, the element I kept seeing in my dreams. In the ice category I chose were four marine mammals: sea lion, elephant seal, a walrus or manatee, may be both. I thought I may have also seen an otter in one of the ice categories.
The thing about all these creatures is, being mammals, they need air to breathe, and must resurface regularly. They survive by alternating between hunting or scavenging in the water, and warming and relaxing on the surface. What does this say about all the ocean fish I thought were limited to the water? That they all have the ability to shape-shift into solids in our world? Might also mean that some intelligent animals move freely between the ocean of non-locality and solid reality.

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